I have a habit of reading at least two books simultaneously, and a tracker like this can help me to keep track of my progress. You can also use this to track the number of books you have read in a month. Here is an example of how your favorite playlist layout can look like. I find quotes extremely inspiring and motivating. Create a layout full of motivating quotes to keep you going through the hard days. Here are some quote ideas that will keep you going- 100 Never Give Up Quotes To Keep You Going.

You can create a layout and use it as a washi tape swatch collection. If you struggle with creative drawings and doodles for your bullet journals, then this layout can be helpful. You can add drawings and doodles to this layout to get a little inspiration. I love how simple and easy this colorful work tracker looks. She has used different colors to denote various aspects of work. You can always improvise this layout according to your work needs.
Supplement Trackers
This is where I add all sorts of things; from books, I want to buy shoes I want to own! Add a fun bujo page like this one to make your wishlist more achievable. Meal planning is the best way to cope with your cravings. Otherwise, it is just a day of making bad food choices.

Write down names, numbers, email address, and schedules of your co-workers. If you’re a student, make a plan for when, where and what you need to study (and make sure to follow through!). Make a list of work supplies you need and rate the ones you use.
Mindful Coloring Pages for Your Bullet Journal
This will remind you how many amazing things there are out there and maybe will give you an idea of what you can do to cheer up. A good skincare routine is so important to keep you looking your best! But please tell me I’m not the only one when I say that I don’t necessarily do all the things every day. We mentioned you could use a page like that for your work skills, but you can use it for personal skills as well. What are some of the things you have always wanted to learn to do?

For that, you can create a layout for exhibiting the shades of the colors. They give the bujo page a fun and interesting look. You can change the whole vibe of the layout with just a banner! Create a layout of banner ideas that you can refer to; this makes things easy and quick. You can always note your job search ideas at the back of some random notebook.
I suffer a lot from anxiety, so tracking it has definitely helped me to detect a pattern and find out what triggers it. This is a really healthy thing to do that will definitely help you to get to know yourself better. I’m so happy you enjoyed it, and thank you for the comment. You should check out this Facebook spot for more guidance.

This is great and I’ve been doing it just long enough to know I don’t have to do all of it. I’ve been looking at doing “morning routine” and “self care tool kit” spreads too. Make this list and take the time to check out what you really want to buy. Keep a list of your favorite products and hair care ideas in a spread. Also, keep up with salon appointments — jot down what you got done, when and where.
Try some repetitive pattern designs like these. Write down your estimated “fall asleep” time and then what time you wake up. Check out the fun sleep tracker ideas on my Inspiration page. This bullet journal starter kit is perfect if you know the person you’re buying for is going to be into a bit more artistic planning.
You can use it to organize every aspect of your life, from cleaning activities to decluttering, home improvement projects to day to day tasks. Bullet journals are great for tracking yearly goals as well. If the journaler in your life maintains a travel journal, this set of retro travel stickers will create a stylized look for their journal. If the idea of creating artwork feels intimidating, consider getting your journaler started with a drawing stencil set. We asked in our favorite Facebook groups what awesome tools we left off and heard about this ruler. Watercolor pencils allow you to lightly color, then ‘melt’ and blend the color with water.
If you are more of a hiking person, this can be a fun way to brainstorm different ideas for future hikes. I know how exciting going on a trip is, and you can add more excitement if you create a countdown. Plus it will help you stay organized and have everything prepared before your departure.

Another fun way to set your goals is by orienting on your age, and here you don’t have to limit yourself to just one year. Sit down and push yourself to write 100 goals in one hour. You’ll see how as it becomes more difficult, you’ll be forced to think more creatively and, therefore – push your brain to think for itself.
Bullet journals can be used for the same things. Use your bullet journal as an art journal, as a way to experiment with perspective, or even to log your creative writing ideas. A bullet journal can be a great tool for keeping track of your finances. You don’t have to get too detailed with your goals if you don’t want to. Bullet journals are also amazing tools for visualizing your goals.

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